Corporate Concierge
We Have What You Need

Whether you stopping by for a quick turnaround or spending some time with us, Safety in Motion Flight Center will ensure that your stay is comfortable and enjoyable!
Corporate Services:
Safety in Motion Flight Center’s Jet Service provides visiting corporate aircraft crews and clients with numerous support options to help facilitate an exceptional customer service experience while utilizing our facilities.
Some of the basic amenities at our locations in Puyallup, WA (Pierce County Airport/Thun Field) and the (Olympia Regional Airport) include:
Friendly and attentive ramp/refueling staff and Customer Service Representatives
Limousine Services (Olympia airport only)
On-site car rental services
Deluxe Crew Car (Olympia airport only)
Ramp transportation to/from aircraft parked at transient and other airport facilities (upon request)
Water, soft-drinks, ice, and an assortment of snacks available (Olympia airport only)
Catering services available
Comfortable lounge area with free Wi-Fi
GPU with Continuous Power 28.5 VDC available (Olympia airport only)
Aircraft ground movement services
Ramp fees waived with fuel purchase
After-hours call-out service for fuel, check-ins, and support
Charter services available to fly clients to smaller communities
Both locations serviced by instrument approach procedures
Pilot flight planning stations
Numerous hotels, eateries, wineries, and breweries nearby
Security cameras covering interior and ramp parking
Lavatory service
If you don’t see what you need, Contact Us for More Information, or fill out the form below.
For more information about our Concierge Services, please fill out this form, or contact us at: (253) 840-5758